February’s Silver Ropes project at the Foodbank of the Rockies was a full complement of 13 volunteers working on sorting food, snacks, and personal care projects.
Our volunteers packed 268 cases, weighing 5855 lbs. and had the equivalent of 5612 meals.
We had 10 Silver rope volunteers doing the heavy lifting filling over 180 40 lb. cases of soups and meals, while 3 worked the “snack” line where we packaged cookies, snacks, and candy. A typical order would come into the food back online, ordering 25 boxes of soup and other food products and five boxes of snacks. These boxes were not for individual families but for shelters and other local non-profit food kitchens. The group was so productive that we ran out of work on the food line, and they moved us over to the personal products line, where we made 15-pound boxes of assorted products like toothpaste, aspirin, and other personal care items. Thank you to Barb DeSarro, Rick and Carol Dietz, Carla McConnell, Jim Perlberg, Mary Muir, Michael Plous, John Prior, Susan Robinson, Susan Wilensky, Kate Williams, and fearless leader Denny Head.
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